Tuesday, March 31, 2009

tagged by Abeline xD [thanks]

1 . Male Friend : [Kayle and Kenny]
Female Friend : [Foon, Ain, Theresia, Chol, Lona, Jill, Jul, Eja]
3 . Memory : [Of course, childhood memories are the best]
1 . Time of day : [Morning, coz I have to get up early to make breakfast]
2 . Day of the week : [Monday would be the worst]
3 . Food : [Anything dealing with liver..ugh]
4 . Memory : [when i'm 11 yrs old..umm..no need to know that]
1 . Person you saw : [Meh Sis, she's sitting nesxt to me :P]
2. Talked to on the phone : [Mum]
3 . Text : [Jordan]
4 . Messaged over MySpace : [Deleted my account last week]
5 . What are you doing right now ? : [Doing this bloody tag]
6 . Wearing ? : [Boxers and Tee]
7 . What is the weather like : [Bloody rainy..]
1 . Is : [Wednesday]
2 . Got any plans ? : [Duh..messing with my laptop, as usual]
3 . Dislikes about tomorrow : [boredomness]
1 . Number : [Anything but the number 4]
2 . Song : [Harder Than You Know by Escape The Fate]
3 . Season : [Winter but never experience it..huhu]
4 . Cartoon : [every kids favourite cartoon..Spongebob Squarepants]
1 . Missing someone : [YES! a lot..i'm getting desperate..]
2 . Wanting : [To be with my dear in Australia]
3 . Listening to : [the sound of my surroundings]
True or False
I am a morning person : [Totally FALSE! i'm a night person]
I am an only child : [False. I wished..hehe. Kidding :P]
I am currently in my PJ’s : [False but i'm in my boxers now]
I am currently suffering from a broken heart : [True..still haven't heal from the thing with Eri]
I can be paranoid at times : [True..always]
I currently regret something that I have done : [True and its BIG!]
I curse frequently : [TRUE! all the time. Teehee!]
I enjoy country music : [Not fond of it]
I enjoy hip hop : [Hell no! Its like ewww]
I enjoy techno/trance : [Depends on the beat]
I enjoy talking on the phone : [True that]
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal : [OMG! Its true!]
I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor : [Sometimes xD]
I have changed a lot over the past year : [Very true :D]
I have done something illegal : [I'm innocent I tell you, INNOCENT!]
I have had my hair cut within the last 2 months : [True, in KL]
Single or Taken : [Taken by the person that I freakin love!]
Eye color : [Dark Brown]
Hair : [Base color brown and my bangs is red. Gonna dye black soon for college]
Height : [I'm freakin short.. :[ only 163cm]
Righty or lefty : [Righty..yay me!]
I tag...
and you!

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