Monday, March 9, 2009

Stereotypes! Ugh! I hate it!

Hey bloggers! This is the last post for the day coz its like late here. So today my sis told me something that makes me go "Grrrrrrr....!!". Joanne, you better tell them tomorrow or I'll go yadayada on you. This post is about stereotypes. Based on wikipedia stereotypes means..
A stereotype is a preconceived idea that attributes certain characteristics (in general) to all the members of class or set. The term is often used with a negative connotation when referring to an oversimplified, exaggerated, or demeaning assumption that a particular individual possesses the characteristics associated with the class due to his or her membership in it. Stereotypes can be used to deny individuals respect or legitimacy based on their membership in that group.
Gah! I don't understand why stereotypes exist. I don't understand why in the world people have to be differentiate with other people. I don't understand why people have to label other people. Damn, why would you do that? They don't bother you. They don't do you wrong except if they being an ass to you, of course you can go ninja on them. But there's no reason to label them. The most popular stereotypes of all is EMO. I don't know why some people hate them. They're just the same as us. Humans. Most of the people would go like "Shit, those guys are emos! Fuck them! Ugh, vampires! Goth!". I feel sorry for some of them. F.Y.I, we're all the same but different in our personalities and people have to realize it. Dammit, mind your own business would you?! Don't go like "Are you emo? Screw you!" "Damn, those nerds" "Anorexic Bitches!" "Fucking Vampires" "Stupid goth!" to people you don't know or even your own friends. Trust me, you'll hurt their feelings. So please, stop with the stereotyping already. Here's the 411, "Don't judge a book by its cover", learn that phrase before you go label other people. Get to know them first and it will be all worth. If the person behave like an arsehole, just leave them be. Its no use to talk to that kind of person. Its a waste of time.

p/s: If you're agree with me on stopping stereotyping, please comment or talk to me on the chatbox. Let me know what you think of it. Thanks.




Pasira said...

i agree!!!

Jaceyy Aiden said...

Good you agree with me! Anyone else?