I'm freakin' ANGRY and PISSED OFF!
What the flying duck are you trying to say?! I asked you and you said you won't tell. And when I asked why, you just reply "Just because". I asked you many times and all your answers are the same, "Just Because..", my Behind! Why won't you tell? You know that I can't talk to you for a long time coz i'll be leaving you soon. I'll be leaving msn soon for goodness sake! You told me that its about your feelings. Your feelings towards what?! Also, you told me its about yourself. You won't tell me at all! You said to me just now, "Its better to keep inside then telling", I was like what the F?! You're gonna keep your feelings inside. The BIG question for you is "Why won't you tell me about your feelings and your feelings towards what/who?!" or I'm just a FEELING-LESS ARSEHOLE who doesn't realize what are you trying to say to me? Am I the person? Huh?! I'm so confused.. I don't get what are you trying to say. Omigosh! What are you keeping from me? Is it like so big that would make me go, WTH?! I just wanna know okay. I want to know about you before I'm gone. I want to know what are you hiding inside of you that you don't want me to know. Gah! This thing is driving me crazy.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
tagged by Abeline xD [thanks]
1 . Male Friend : [Kayle and Kenny]
Female Friend : [Foon, Ain, Theresia, Chol, Lona, Jill, Jul, Eja]
3 . Memory : [Of course, childhood memories are the best]
1 . Time of day : [Morning, coz I have to get up early to make breakfast]
2 . Day of the week : [Monday would be the worst]
3 . Food : [Anything dealing with liver..ugh]
4 . Memory : [when i'm 11 yrs old..umm..no need to know that]
1 . Person you saw : [Meh Sis, she's sitting nesxt to me :P]
2. Talked to on the phone : [Mum]
3 . Text : [Jordan]
4 . Messaged over MySpace : [Deleted my account last week]
5 . What are you doing right now ? : [Doing this bloody tag]
6 . Wearing ? : [Boxers and Tee]
7 . What is the weather like : [Bloody rainy..]
1 . Is : [Wednesday]
2 . Got any plans ? : [Duh..messing with my laptop, as usual]
3 . Dislikes about tomorrow : [boredomness]
1 . Number : [Anything but the number 4]
2 . Song : [Harder Than You Know by Escape The Fate]
3 . Season : [Winter but never experience it..huhu]
4 . Cartoon : [every kids favourite cartoon..Spongebob Squarepants]
1 . Missing someone : [YES! a lot..i'm getting desperate..]
2 . Wanting : [To be with my dear in Australia]
3 . Listening to : [the sound of my surroundings]
True or False
I am a morning person : [Totally FALSE! i'm a night person]
I am an only child : [False. I wished..hehe. Kidding :P]
I am currently in my PJ’s : [False but i'm in my boxers now]
I am currently suffering from a broken heart : [True..still haven't heal from the thing with Eri]
I can be paranoid at times : [True..always]
I currently regret something that I have done : [True and its BIG!]
I curse frequently : [TRUE! all the time. Teehee!]
I enjoy country music : [Not fond of it]
I enjoy hip hop : [Hell no! Its like ewww]
I enjoy techno/trance : [Depends on the beat]
I enjoy talking on the phone : [True that]
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal : [OMG! Its true!]
I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor : [Sometimes xD]
I have changed a lot over the past year : [Very true :D]
I have done something illegal : [I'm innocent I tell you, INNOCENT!]
I have had my hair cut within the last 2 months : [True, in KL]
Single or Taken : [Taken by the person that I freakin love!]
Eye color : [Dark Brown]
Hair : [Base color brown and my bangs is red. Gonna dye black soon for college]
Height : [I'm freakin short.. :[ only 163cm]
Righty or lefty : [Righty..yay me!]
I tag...
and you!
Monday, March 30, 2009
what a great drummer! and he's only a kid!
Hey bloggers..
was on youtube just now and I've discovered something new. I was looking on for a video on how to learn screamo and I came across this videos. A kid doing drum cover on songs. I guess he's a philipino cause he looks like one. He's damn talented and he's only a kid. Lol, i don't know what is his age tho. Here are the links to the videos of him doing the drum cover of the song Homecoming by Hey Monday and Decode by Paramore. Gosh, that boy inspires me so much.
was on youtube just now and I've discovered something new. I was looking on for a video on how to learn screamo and I came across this videos. A kid doing drum cover on songs. I guess he's a philipino cause he looks like one. He's damn talented and he's only a kid. Lol, i don't know what is his age tho. Here are the links to the videos of him doing the drum cover of the song Homecoming by Hey Monday and Decode by Paramore. Gosh, that boy inspires me so much.
Homecoming by Hey Monday [drum cover]
Decode by Paramore [drum cover]
Sunday, March 29, 2009
my poem in the school mag..
Hey bloggers..
Just a lil bit of 411 about my poem in the school mag..
Thanks to the people in sidang redaksi for publishing my poem..
One thing tho, who changed the word "Lips" in the poem?! O.O, its supposed to be the word "Lips" instead of "hands". Its in the line 19. The line states that, "When you touched your hands with mine" and when I read it, I was like huh? Its doesn't make any sense! Why would they changed it? then I go yadayada, "touched your hands with mine?! The whole sentence was a mess!"
So, the real sentence is "When you touched your LIPS with mine". Yes, thats the real sentence. What's wrong with the word "Lips" anyway? Nothing's wrong, am I right? *sigh* Anyhow, thanks again to sidang redaksi for publishing my poem. I owe you guys.
Just a lil bit of 411 about my poem in the school mag..
Thanks to the people in sidang redaksi for publishing my poem..
One thing tho, who changed the word "Lips" in the poem?! O.O, its supposed to be the word "Lips" instead of "hands". Its in the line 19. The line states that, "When you touched your hands with mine" and when I read it, I was like huh? Its doesn't make any sense! Why would they changed it? then I go yadayada, "touched your hands with mine?! The whole sentence was a mess!"
So, the real sentence is "When you touched your LIPS with mine". Yes, thats the real sentence. What's wrong with the word "Lips" anyway? Nothing's wrong, am I right? *sigh* Anyhow, thanks again to sidang redaksi for publishing my poem. I owe you guys.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
To whom it may concern..
You didn't even cared bout the issue going on here. GLOBAL WARMING!! Gosh, i'm sure you you'd go, " Earth Hour? Its just a waste of time.. What can turning the lights off will help our earth? blah..blah..blahh", bloody excuses! Screw you! To all the people who have participated in this, once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH! :D you've done a great job in protecting our home. Kuddos for all of you.
Lol..imma go to bed soon. Goodnight!
You didn't even cared bout the issue going on here. GLOBAL WARMING!! Gosh, i'm sure you you'd go, " Earth Hour? Its just a waste of time.. What can turning the lights off will help our earth? blah..blah..blahh", bloody excuses! Screw you! To all the people who have participated in this, once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH! :D you've done a great job in protecting our home. Kuddos for all of you.
Lol..imma go to bed soon. Goodnight!
Jacology [jaceyy's phenomena]
Let others know a little more about yourself, re-post this as your name followed by "ology".
* tagged by Joanne *
* tagged by Joanne *
What is your salad dressing of choice?
[Thousand island dressing..well its all time favourite, init?]
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
[There are lots. But Pizza-hut is my fav.]
What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?
[Pizza coz like I said, its my fav]
What are your pizza toppings of choice?
[CHEESE! of course, pineapple(must have), chicken, seafood..]
What do you like to put on your toast?
[Peanut butter! Yumm >.<]
How many computers / televisions set are there in your house?
[3 tv and 2 laptops and 1 computer]
What colour cell phone do you have?
[Havana Bronze]
How many computers / televisions set are there in your house?
[3 tv and 2 laptops and 1 computer]
What colour cell phone do you have?
[Havana Bronze]
Are you right-handed or left-handed?
[me right-handed]
Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
[ugh..no..just blood for testing]
What is the last heavy item you lifted?
[the ladder :P]
Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
[moi? knocked unconscious? No, darling..never]
Are you right-handed or left-handed?
[me right-handed]
Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
[ugh..no..just blood for testing]
What is the last heavy item you lifted?
[the ladder :P]
Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
[moi? knocked unconscious? No, darling..never]
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
[sure..so I could be prepared for the worst day of my life]
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
[change my name, eh? hasn't cross on my mind yet]
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
[what the flying duck?! i'm sensitive to hot stuff..]
How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
[one..sad, init? I wear sneakers]
Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
[I'm innocent I tell you, INNOCENT!]
Last person you talked to?
[My dear on msn.. :D]
Last person you hugged?
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
[sure..so I could be prepared for the worst day of my life]
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
[change my name, eh? hasn't cross on my mind yet]
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
[what the flying duck?! i'm sensitive to hot stuff..]
How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
[one..sad, init? I wear sneakers]
Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
[I'm innocent I tell you, INNOCENT!]
Last person you talked to?
[My dear on msn.. :D]
Last person you hugged?
[No one but I wished I hugged my dear..]
[Ugh, its always hot here. No four seasons.. but i'm fond of winter season]
Holiday ?
[one with lot of cash! Cha-ching! $$$ Chinese New Year]
Day of the week?
[Friday cause I get to talk to dear even longer]
[July..coz me and my dear's birthday in this month!!]
[Ugh, its always hot here. No four seasons.. but i'm fond of winter season]
Holiday ?
[one with lot of cash! Cha-ching! $$$ Chinese New Year]
Day of the week?
[Friday cause I get to talk to dear even longer]
[July..coz me and my dear's birthday in this month!!]
Missing someone?
Missing someone?
[Yes, alot!!]
[In Love and Loved]
What are you listening to?
[ Halo by Beyonce ]
[The stars at night]
Worrying about?
[My interview and college stuff]
[In Love and Loved]
What are you listening to?
[ Halo by Beyonce ]
[The stars at night]
Worrying about?
[My interview and college stuff]
First place you went this morning?
[My brother's room to mess with my laptop]
What's the last movie you saw in cinema?
[Bedtime Story..i think :P]
Do you smile often?
[Only when I talked with my dear]
First place you went this morning?
[My brother's room to mess with my laptop]
What's the last movie you saw in cinema?
[Bedtime Story..i think :P]
Do you smile often?
[Only when I talked with my dear]
1) Do you always answer your phone?
[Yes, always. Especially when dear calls me. Teehee!]
1) Do you always answer your phone?
[Yes, always. Especially when dear calls me. Teehee!]
2) It's four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
[Either from my friend in US or my friends]
3) If you could change your eye color what would it be?
[Greenish-grey..that eye color is so mesmerizing]
4) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
[huh? Sonic or Tonic? no answer to this question]
5) Do you own a digital camera?
[well..kinda..idk..me and my sis owns them]
6) Have you ever had a pet fish?
[Yep but i didn't feed it..my parents did]
7) Favorite Christmas song?
[Christmas Tree by Lady Gaga]
8) What's on your wish list for your birthday?
[It won't come true if I tell...haven't you learned it from other people?!]
9) Can you do push ups?
[To be honest, no..]
10) Can you do a chin up?
[What are you, joker or something?! Of course I can do it..everybody can. DUH!]
11) Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
[Mostly nervous but hey, no one can predict their future right?]
12) Do you have any saved text ?
[Umm..about 550 from my ex but deleted it, about 150 from brooke..and many more..maybe about 1000 over in my phone]
13) Ever been in a car wreck?
[Glad didn't happen to me. Amen.]
14) Do you have an accent?
[Sabah bah..hehe.. trying to learn british accent]
15) What is the last song to make you cry?
[Harder Than You Know by Escape The Fate]
16) Plans tonight?
[Messing with my laptop..duh, can't you see it? I'm doing this bloody tag]
17) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
[Most of the time but I deal it with..umm, nevermind..]
18) Name 3 things you bought in the last day
[Gummy bears..cookies..mineral water..MORE gummy bears!]
19) Have you ever been given roses?
[No..sad, init? Owh well..]
20) Current worry?
[hey, haven't I answered this Q in currentology? you have ur answer then]
21) Current hate right now?
[not being with my dear in Australia]
22) Met someone who changed your life?
[Yes!! I love that person to death!]
23) How did you bring in the New Year!
[Joy and happiness with lots of smile and tears of joy]
24) What song represents you?
[Halo by Beyonce]
25) Name three people who might complete this?
[Abeline, someone..someone..]
26) What were you doing at 12 AM last night?
[Talking with Vans..yay me!]
27) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
[Hope to talk with my dear on msn]
28) Who was the first person you thought of when you woke up?
[The first person? Teehee!]
[Either from my friend in US or my friends]
3) If you could change your eye color what would it be?
[Greenish-grey..that eye color is so mesmerizing]
4) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
[huh? Sonic or Tonic? no answer to this question]
5) Do you own a digital camera?
[well..kinda..idk..me and my sis owns them]
6) Have you ever had a pet fish?
[Yep but i didn't feed it..my parents did]
7) Favorite Christmas song?
[Christmas Tree by Lady Gaga]
8) What's on your wish list for your birthday?
[It won't come true if I tell...haven't you learned it from other people?!]
9) Can you do push ups?
[To be honest, no..]
10) Can you do a chin up?
[What are you, joker or something?! Of course I can do it..everybody can. DUH!]
11) Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
[Mostly nervous but hey, no one can predict their future right?]
12) Do you have any saved text ?
[Umm..about 550 from my ex but deleted it, about 150 from brooke..and many more..maybe about 1000 over in my phone]
13) Ever been in a car wreck?
[Glad didn't happen to me. Amen.]
14) Do you have an accent?
[Sabah bah..hehe.. trying to learn british accent]
15) What is the last song to make you cry?
[Harder Than You Know by Escape The Fate]
16) Plans tonight?
[Messing with my laptop..duh, can't you see it? I'm doing this bloody tag]
17) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
[Most of the time but I deal it with..umm, nevermind..]
18) Name 3 things you bought in the last day
[Gummy bears..cookies..mineral water..MORE gummy bears!]
19) Have you ever been given roses?
[No..sad, init? Owh well..]
20) Current worry?
[hey, haven't I answered this Q in currentology? you have ur answer then]
21) Current hate right now?
[not being with my dear in Australia]
22) Met someone who changed your life?
[Yes!! I love that person to death!]
23) How did you bring in the New Year!
[Joy and happiness with lots of smile and tears of joy]
24) What song represents you?
[Halo by Beyonce]
25) Name three people who might complete this?
[Abeline, someone..someone..]
26) What were you doing at 12 AM last night?
[Talking with Vans..yay me!]
27) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
[Hope to talk with my dear on msn]
28) Who was the first person you thought of when you woke up?
[The first person? Teehee!]
yay for EARTH HOUR!
*claps for people who have participated in turning off your lights to support EARTH HOUR! It shows that you cared bout our home. Indeed..thank you for participating!*
LOL..we just turned on the lights like 5 mins ago. Damn, the outside world was pitched-black dark. And some self-centered people didn't turn off their lights. *RAWR!* Boohoo to you! Yes..we saw the world in new light shone onto it. It was beautiful. Talked with Vans today.. Gah, my love for my dear grow and grow each day. Ahh..I want to be with dear more than anything. Why do you have to live in Australia?! No matter, i'll be pursuing my degree there but in 5 years tho. Teehee! Then we would go around the world like we planned 2 months ago. You and me, Kayle and Josie and your sis with Levi. Sheez..i can't wait. You said to me today that you wanted to sleep with me. [Sleep as in sleep, not what you think you perv!]..i wanted that so much. I want to wake up with you by my side everyday. Omigosh, i'm going to be emotional again. *Holding back my emotioness* imma sleep with smile on my face tonight coz of today.. wanna know why? Coz I have gummy bears in my hand! At last..its mine. Mwahahahahaha >:D and also coz of what Vans said to me today.
Kuddos for the people around the world that have participated in EARTH HOUR. Love your planet, love your home, save it from destruction. Teehee!
*claps for people who have participated in turning off your lights to support EARTH HOUR! It shows that you cared bout our home. Indeed..thank you for participating!*
LOL..we just turned on the lights like 5 mins ago. Damn, the outside world was pitched-black dark. And some self-centered people didn't turn off their lights. *RAWR!* Boohoo to you! Yes..we saw the world in new light shone onto it. It was beautiful. Talked with Vans today.. Gah, my love for my dear grow and grow each day. Ahh..I want to be with dear more than anything. Why do you have to live in Australia?! No matter, i'll be pursuing my degree there but in 5 years tho. Teehee! Then we would go around the world like we planned 2 months ago. You and me, Kayle and Josie and your sis with Levi. Sheez..i can't wait. You said to me today that you wanted to sleep with me. [Sleep as in sleep, not what you think you perv!]..i wanted that so much. I want to wake up with you by my side everyday. Omigosh, i'm going to be emotional again. *Holding back my emotioness* imma sleep with smile on my face tonight coz of today.. wanna know why? Coz I have gummy bears in my hand! At last..its mine. Mwahahahahaha >:D and also coz of what Vans said to me today.
Kuddos for the people around the world that have participated in EARTH HOUR. Love your planet, love your home, save it from destruction. Teehee!
countdown to EARTH HOUR!!
Hey bloggers!
I just came back from KK. Bought my pants for the interview. Imagine me going to the interview wearing slack, white shirt with tie and my white Vans sneakers! Haha..i can imagine it now, the woman said, "What of kind person are you wearing this to go to an interview?!" Hehe.. lol, bought 2 bags of gummy bears today. I spent about Rm40 just to buy gummy bears at Famous Amos. One bag was eaten by doofus and dingbag! Rawr! And the other bag was mine. MINE, I tell you! Grrrr...
So, EARTH HOUR is today..15 minutes to go when i'm writing this post. Support Earth Hour and save our dear planet. We have only one planet that we can live, so turn off you lights for just one hour to show that you cared about our home! The first country to experience earth hour is Australia. Melbourne would be the first, Brisbane and Sydney would be second and perth would be the third.
Damn, 10 minutes to go... imma go now and get ready..
i'll be back after its over..
I just came back from KK. Bought my pants for the interview. Imagine me going to the interview wearing slack, white shirt with tie and my white Vans sneakers! Haha..i can imagine it now, the woman said, "What of kind person are you wearing this to go to an interview?!" Hehe.. lol, bought 2 bags of gummy bears today. I spent about Rm40 just to buy gummy bears at Famous Amos. One bag was eaten by doofus and dingbag! Rawr! And the other bag was mine. MINE, I tell you! Grrrr...
So, EARTH HOUR is today..15 minutes to go when i'm writing this post. Support Earth Hour and save our dear planet. We have only one planet that we can live, so turn off you lights for just one hour to show that you cared about our home! The first country to experience earth hour is Australia. Melbourne would be the first, Brisbane and Sydney would be second and perth would be the third.
Damn, 10 minutes to go... imma go now and get ready..
i'll be back after its over..
Friday, March 27, 2009
not at home..sbalah rumah ja bah.. :P
Hey bloggers!
I'm not at home now, i'm at my cousin's house. Abraham, of course. Its just next door bah. Swear I didn't sneak out. Gosh! Its just next door. I'm innocent. Innocent I tell you! Rawr! *sniffs*
The usual..talked with Kayle. Thanks man for telling vans that i'll be on. :D he's soooooooo friendly! I can't stop saying it! He's AWESOME! There, I said it. Talked with vans today. Lol..everyday to be specific. Haven't try to call vans coz i'm so damn shy. I stutter easily when talking to people that I haven't met in person. Imma try to call my baby before I went to the interview. International call is so expensive. I rather text than call. Texting only cost me 20 cent. Gosh, hope my parents didn't lock me outside. Fear not for I have brought my emergency keys along. Hehe..
That's all for today's poopoo..
I'm not at home now, i'm at my cousin's house. Abraham, of course. Its just next door bah. Swear I didn't sneak out. Gosh! Its just next door. I'm innocent. Innocent I tell you! Rawr! *sniffs*
The usual..talked with Kayle. Thanks man for telling vans that i'll be on. :D he's soooooooo friendly! I can't stop saying it! He's AWESOME! There, I said it. Talked with vans today. Lol..everyday to be specific. Haven't try to call vans coz i'm so damn shy. I stutter easily when talking to people that I haven't met in person. Imma try to call my baby before I went to the interview. International call is so expensive. I rather text than call. Texting only cost me 20 cent. Gosh, hope my parents didn't lock me outside. Fear not for I have brought my emergency keys along. Hehe..
That's all for today's poopoo..
Owh yeah, I Love You Vans coz I haven't tell you that today.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
everyday's the same.. pikachu much?
Hey bloggers!
I'm friggin BORED coz everyday's the same. I may go YADAYADA if this goes on. Well, life is unfair, right? Damn, I wished it could be fair just for once. I'm begging here! Gosh.. well, I talked to Kayle today. Duh, we talked with each other for like everyday! I like talking to him tho. He's so open and funny. Today, he told me that he was feeling HORNY. I was like, "okay?". Funny tho, I learned a new word from him, "wank"! Owh, i'm not going to tell you what the word means, you'll figured it out. I'm so LUCKY that i've met a great friend like him. Funny, Open-minded, Caring and damn straight HORNY! Gah..enough! hehe.. Ooooh, i'm so scared for college. The time will come soon. I'm not ready for it. New environment for me..away from home..lecturers [hope tidak kena yg RAWR! punya] and new people. My mum always said to me that "choose your friend wisely". Indeed, I agreed with her. You don't want to choose a friend with attitude problem right. I mean, thats suicide! Believe me, I know what it feels like, GAH! It will lead you to destroying yourself tho. I'm so glad that I have awesome friends around me, Foon, Ain, Theresia, Michelle, Kenny, Lona, Kayle, Brooke, Christie and my Vans. I FRIGGIN LOVE ALL OF MY FRIENDS. You HURT them, you'll have to face my WRATH! Believe me, its ugly and hideous. Haven't talk to my baby today. Gosh, i'm worried bout vans. I'm worried that my baby is being suicidal again..*calms down* Lol..I think imma breakdown soon. Be strong, just like Eri said to me. Owh yeah! Happy Birthday to you! I'm sure you've moved on by now. I'm happy for you. I miss you tho and i'm guessing you changed your phone number. Doesn't matter anyway..nice knowing you. Okay, nuff bout that.
Thats all for today's poopoo.
I'm friggin BORED coz everyday's the same. I may go YADAYADA if this goes on. Well, life is unfair, right? Damn, I wished it could be fair just for once. I'm begging here! Gosh.. well, I talked to Kayle today. Duh, we talked with each other for like everyday! I like talking to him tho. He's so open and funny. Today, he told me that he was feeling HORNY. I was like, "okay?". Funny tho, I learned a new word from him, "wank"! Owh, i'm not going to tell you what the word means, you'll figured it out. I'm so LUCKY that i've met a great friend like him. Funny, Open-minded, Caring and damn straight HORNY! Gah..enough! hehe.. Ooooh, i'm so scared for college. The time will come soon. I'm not ready for it. New environment for me..away from home..lecturers [hope tidak kena yg RAWR! punya] and new people. My mum always said to me that "choose your friend wisely". Indeed, I agreed with her. You don't want to choose a friend with attitude problem right. I mean, thats suicide! Believe me, I know what it feels like, GAH! It will lead you to destroying yourself tho. I'm so glad that I have awesome friends around me, Foon, Ain, Theresia, Michelle, Kenny, Lona, Kayle, Brooke, Christie and my Vans. I FRIGGIN LOVE ALL OF MY FRIENDS. You HURT them, you'll have to face my WRATH! Believe me, its ugly and hideous. Haven't talk to my baby today. Gosh, i'm worried bout vans. I'm worried that my baby is being suicidal again..*calms down* Lol..I think imma breakdown soon. Be strong, just like Eri said to me. Owh yeah! Happy Birthday to you! I'm sure you've moved on by now. I'm happy for you. I miss you tho and i'm guessing you changed your phone number. Doesn't matter anyway..nice knowing you. Okay, nuff bout that.
Thats all for today's poopoo.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Happy+Worried= Harried
Hey bloggers!
I'm both happy and worried today. I just met this awesome person. His name is Kayle. He's from Melbourne. He's so friendly and funny. I've never met anyone like him. I mean, he's so nice. Like some of the people I met from other country were asses and he's not one of them! Kuddos for him! We've known each other for like only 2 days and we already close like bestfriends. We both like the same music..metal/post-hardcore song, of course. But a lil tiny thing that I don't like bout him is that he can be a perv sometimes. He didn't mean it anyway. Its funny tho. I'm glad to have a friend like him. F.Y.I, i'm not into him. I love him as my bestfriend. End of explanation. Teehee! I'm also happy cause, I talked to Vans.. I love my vans so much! So so much! In your face, Eri! I've moved on. Okay, I miss you a bit, Eri and your birthday is tomorrow. Owh well, imma just wish you "Happy Birthday" anyway. But thats it. I've known vans for like 7 months now. My baby understands me so much..loving me. All I do is to give back. But one thing that makes me worried that, vans is suicidal. Idk why, all my friends that i've met from other country are suicidal, well except for Kayle and Brooke. Eri and Vans are suicidal. Me being worried had to keep them from being depressed. No matter, i only will take care of my vans now. My everything, my all, my heart. We planned on travelling around the world when we're older. Me with Vans, Kayle with Josie and Van's sis. Can't wait tho. Gah, I'm worried to death here. Worrying bout my baby. My gosh, i'm being emotional again. Vans told me not to worry too much. So, i'll calm down. *Calms down*
That's for today's poopoo!
I'm both happy and worried today. I just met this awesome person. His name is Kayle. He's from Melbourne. He's so friendly and funny. I've never met anyone like him. I mean, he's so nice. Like some of the people I met from other country were asses and he's not one of them! Kuddos for him! We've known each other for like only 2 days and we already close like bestfriends. We both like the same music..metal/post-hardcore song, of course. But a lil tiny thing that I don't like bout him is that he can be a perv sometimes. He didn't mean it anyway. Its funny tho. I'm glad to have a friend like him. F.Y.I, i'm not into him. I love him as my bestfriend. End of explanation. Teehee! I'm also happy cause, I talked to Vans.. I love my vans so much! So so much! In your face, Eri! I've moved on. Okay, I miss you a bit, Eri and your birthday is tomorrow. Owh well, imma just wish you "Happy Birthday" anyway. But thats it. I've known vans for like 7 months now. My baby understands me so much..loving me. All I do is to give back. But one thing that makes me worried that, vans is suicidal. Idk why, all my friends that i've met from other country are suicidal, well except for Kayle and Brooke. Eri and Vans are suicidal. Me being worried had to keep them from being depressed. No matter, i only will take care of my vans now. My everything, my all, my heart. We planned on travelling around the world when we're older. Me with Vans, Kayle with Josie and Van's sis. Can't wait tho. Gah, I'm worried to death here. Worrying bout my baby. My gosh, i'm being emotional again. Vans told me not to worry too much. So, i'll calm down. *Calms down*
That's for today's poopoo!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I'm in the verge of a breakdown!
Hey bloggers!
Gah, i'm getting crazy day by day cause of college. Imma be a college student soon! My mum already sent my resume to the Adventist College of Nursing in Penang. And if my resume get approved, then they will be calling me for an interview in April. The intake is in July. I'm scared cause the interview will not be with a local person but with an international person. As in a caucasian person. Omg! I can't speak english that fluently. I can't even write a proper english essay for goodness sake. Not only that, I have to write an essay to apply scholarship from yayasan sabah. What the flying duck?! Seriously, I can't write a proper essay. I suck at it. I have a very low self-esteem as I'm not too exposed with the real world. Well, I don't want to be exposed to it anyway. That's the weak part in me. I don't like to show-off bout me. I don't even have a talent in me. Yes, i'm in the verge of a breakdown here people! I've applied into different universities/colleges. Teaching, nursing, IPTA, Matriculation..if I don't get into one, I may have to go to a private college and that would cost my parents big $$$! I don't want that to happen. I don't want them to spend so much money on me. I will try my best to succeed in my future so I can give them back for what they have done for me in the past. Of course, I'll take care of them. Its my duty tho. Omigosh! I need to be prepared for the interview. Like hazel said to me, "Practice in front of the mirror", yeah, i'll try that and it would be funny tho. I'm already practicing it with my dog. I know its weird, well at least he's there to listen me. What calms me down? Listening to post-hardcore song such as Escape the Fate [my favourite!], Eyes Set To Kill, Silverstein and Avenged Sevenfold. Idk why but their songs just calmed the hell out of me. Haha..lol..i'm being weird today. I don't give a cherry boom boom anyway :Pxoxo,
Monday, March 23, 2009
Finally! I've finished reading Breaking Dawn!
Hey bloggers!
I'm so happy! So so happy! I've finished reading Breaking Dawn! I've completed reading Twilight Saga! Omg, me?! Gosh, the last book was awesome. Happy ending indeed. Is there another book again? I believe there's another, Midnight Sun something.. Aww..come on. Make the movie until Breaking Dawn. Cause for me Breaking Dawn has the most interesting story line compared to Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. Lol..imma go yadayada for Twilight Saga.
Ooh..ooh..I'm jumping happily. I wanna scream to the top of lungs and said "I'VE COMPLETED TWILIGHT SAGA!!" but that would make me a mental to people. No matter, *claps for moi*.. Imma go google for more upcoming book by Stephenie Meyer, if there are one..
I'm so happy! So so happy! I've finished reading Breaking Dawn! I've completed reading Twilight Saga! Omg, me?! Gosh, the last book was awesome. Happy ending indeed. Is there another book again? I believe there's another, Midnight Sun something.. Aww..come on. Make the movie until Breaking Dawn. Cause for me Breaking Dawn has the most interesting story line compared to Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. Lol..imma go yadayada for Twilight Saga.
Ooh..ooh..I'm jumping happily. I wanna scream to the top of lungs and said "I'VE COMPLETED TWILIGHT SAGA!!" but that would make me a mental to people. No matter, *claps for moi*.. Imma go google for more upcoming book by Stephenie Meyer, if there are one..
Harder Than You Know by Escape The Fate
Hey bloggers!
OMG! I effin' heart this song! I mean, the song makes me go wow...
Escape The Fate is the best band ever! I dedicate this song to Eri. You told me to say goodbye to you and move on. Just so you know, it hurts me so much of trying to forget you. I'm not over you, cause not loving you is harder than you know...Thanks so much for everything.
Here's the lyric to the song.
Btw, this song is my blog song. Listen to it and be amazed...
Harder Than You Know by ETF
You said this could only get better
There's no rush cause we have each other
You said this would last forever
But now I doubt if I was your only lover
Are we just lost in time?
I wonder if your love's the same
Cause I'm not over you
Baby, don't talk to me
I'm trying to let go
Not loving you is harder than you know
Cause girl you're driving me so crazy
How can I miss you if you never would stay?
If you need time I guess I'll go away (I'll go away)
Inside me now there's only heartache and pain
So where's the fire? You've become the rain
Are we just lost in time?
I wonder if your love's the same
Cause I'm not over you
Baby, don't talk to me
I'm trying to let go
Not loving you is harder than you know
Girl you're driving me so crazy
And if you don't want me than
I guess I'll have to go (I guess I'll have to go)
Not loving you is harder than you know
So I'll make the call
And I'll leave today
I'm gonna miss you cause I love you baby
And I'll make the call
I'm leaving today
And leaving always drives me crazy
Leaving always drives me crazy
Baby, don't talk to me
I'm trying to let go
Not loving you is harder than you know
OMG! I effin' heart this song! I mean, the song makes me go wow...
Escape The Fate is the best band ever! I dedicate this song to Eri. You told me to say goodbye to you and move on. Just so you know, it hurts me so much of trying to forget you. I'm not over you, cause not loving you is harder than you know...Thanks so much for everything.
Here's the lyric to the song.
Btw, this song is my blog song. Listen to it and be amazed...
Harder Than You Know by ETF
You said this could only get better
There's no rush cause we have each other
You said this would last forever
But now I doubt if I was your only lover
Are we just lost in time?
I wonder if your love's the same
Cause I'm not over you
Baby, don't talk to me
I'm trying to let go
Not loving you is harder than you know
Cause girl you're driving me so crazy
How can I miss you if you never would stay?
If you need time I guess I'll go away (I'll go away)
Inside me now there's only heartache and pain
So where's the fire? You've become the rain
Are we just lost in time?
I wonder if your love's the same
Cause I'm not over you
Baby, don't talk to me
I'm trying to let go
Not loving you is harder than you know
Girl you're driving me so crazy
And if you don't want me than
I guess I'll have to go (I guess I'll have to go)
Not loving you is harder than you know
So I'll make the call
And I'll leave today
I'm gonna miss you cause I love you baby
And I'll make the call
I'm leaving today
And leaving always drives me crazy
Leaving always drives me crazy
Baby, don't talk to me
I'm trying to let go
Not loving you is harder than you know
Baby, don't talk to me
I'm trying to let go
Not loving you is harder than you know
Cause girl you're driving me so crazy
And if you don't want me than
Iguess I'll have to go
Not loving you is harder than you know
Girl You're driving me so crazy
Baby, don't talk to me
I'm trying to let go
Not loving you is harder than you know
Cause girl you're driving me so crazy
Sunday, March 22, 2009
What a beach!





Hey bloggers!
Home! At last! After I set my feet on Sabah, i'm glad i'm home! Then, I went to tha beach to meet my friends. We planned to meet up since last week. It makes me happy to see their faces again. I miss them! Haaa, what a day we spent there. Splashing water on each other's face, taking pictures, and eating. Like one of my friends asked " Bila lagi kita bleh jumpa cam ni? " Then, I answered " After 5 tahun lah..kita masing-masing masuk U. Kita jumpa cam ni lagi lah", it was like a sad moment for us cause to think that we will go into different path. No matter, we will stay friends forever. It was kinda funny tho for me cause i'm the weird one among them cause who would wear a hoodie to the beach?! Well, just so you know, I don't give a flying duck of what people think of me. But its still funny cause people were looking at me with a confused face. LOL! It was hot tho and thats why i'm wearing my hoodie to protect my skin. Chyeahh right! Cari nahas ja. Haish, i'm tired. Still sleepy..need to sleep. Sleep..okay, enough of that. So, i need to fill up college application and the interview is with a caucasian! I can't speak english that well. Lol, I can't even write a proper english essay. Wooh, i can imagine it now, me speaking english at the interview..my tongue will be twisted. Hehe. Gah, i need to sleep A.S.A.P!
Goodnight people on earth and beyond!
12 AM post..
Hey bloggers..
I'm now at Sutera Harbour lounge messing with my laptop and writing my poo poo..hehe..its a new word I used for the word, 'post'. My cousin Donella taught me this idea of not saying cursing words. So she came up with the idea of using different but yet funny words. Like my blog's name, "I don't give a cherry boom boom" which means "I don't give a damn". So, i'm trying to stop cursing and trying to be a decent person. *smiles with a halo on top* Like Dawn came up with this word, "I don't give a flying duck"..funny right? Gah. they're all are already asleep except for me and Donella. We're both in the hotel lounge now. I think this week was a great holiday cause I just got back from Labuan today, meet up with my friends at the beach then overnight in this hotel. Haven't went back home for like 3 days. I miss home. I get homesick easily and that's why I'm afraid to go abroad for study. But study in Australia is acceptable. I've been thinking of moving there when i'm older, and get a job that pays well. Planning to stay single tho but not sure yet. God will decide for me. Like omg, its so quiet here..where's all the people? Probably sleeping. For effin sake, its 1.03 am! Gosh, i've been drinking a lot of coke today. Which contains caffeine and makes me hyper. Somebody help me sleep... Nevermind...
That's all for today's poo poo..
Goodnight..and good morning.. its 1.05 am!
I'm now at Sutera Harbour lounge messing with my laptop and writing my poo poo..hehe..its a new word I used for the word, 'post'. My cousin Donella taught me this idea of not saying cursing words. So she came up with the idea of using different but yet funny words. Like my blog's name, "I don't give a cherry boom boom" which means "I don't give a damn". So, i'm trying to stop cursing and trying to be a decent person. *smiles with a halo on top* Like Dawn came up with this word, "I don't give a flying duck"..funny right? Gah. they're all are already asleep except for me and Donella. We're both in the hotel lounge now. I think this week was a great holiday cause I just got back from Labuan today, meet up with my friends at the beach then overnight in this hotel. Haven't went back home for like 3 days. I miss home. I get homesick easily and that's why I'm afraid to go abroad for study. But study in Australia is acceptable. I've been thinking of moving there when i'm older, and get a job that pays well. Planning to stay single tho but not sure yet. God will decide for me. Like omg, its so quiet here..where's all the people? Probably sleeping. For effin sake, its 1.03 am! Gosh, i've been drinking a lot of coke today. Which contains caffeine and makes me hyper. Somebody help me sleep... Nevermind...
That's all for today's poo poo..
Goodnight..and good morning.. its 1.05 am!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Yiruma! Best Pianist Ever!!

Omg! I just heard this pianist and he's awesome! He's Yiruma, he's a pianist from Korea. He composes Kiss In The Rain which is also called Bella's Lullaby in the Twilight Movie. All his songs were awesome! My favourite song by him is RIVER FLOWS IN YOU! Its a very tounching song. Makes me cry when I listened to it. Go youtube it if you don't believe me. Here also some of his best songs..
- Maybe -
- Love me -
- Destiny of Love -
- If I could see you again -
- and many many more... -
Just try listen to it..i'm sure you'll go.."wow! amazing!"
Trust me..you will >:D
From Labuan with love...
Hey bloggers..so like now, i'm in this cyber checking stuff on myb and chatting with vans on msn. Alas, me and abraham manage to find a decent cyber here. *smiles widely* haha but i miss home tho. I'm going back tomorrow. Funny, yesterday I chat with Joanne on msn. She said she's hungry. Sapa suruh, malas mau buat kerja. Depend sama sa ja. Feel the pain that i've endured for 3 months! Mwahahahahaha >:D
Damn.. tmr, i'll be going to the beach with ma peeps! Direct..haish..tired..
so..don't know what to write..
Damn.. tmr, i'll be going to the beach with ma peeps! Direct..haish..tired..
so..don't know what to write..
From Labuan With Love,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Night Post...
Hey bloggers! [say it with sleepy tone]
Tomorrow i'll be going to labuan with my cousin, Abraham. It is a spontaneous holiday. Like on monday, I was like "Mari kita p Labuan" and then he said "ui, meh la"..so, we decided to go tomorrow. Hah..lol..funny when I think bout it. Only me and him, without parents..hehe..i think I feel my devil side awaken. Mwahahahaha >:D yes, mum and dad we'll be good as an angel with a halo on top. Haha..right..we'll go to the pub with aunt ivy and drink till we're drop! Sorry..was just kidding..seriously..i'm kidding. Don't took it seriously. But we will buy some alcohol tho. Don't try to stop us! hehe.. I will not bring my laptop with me as you know, people these days..*sigh* too demonish! Ugh..i wished the bad people would perished from this world. Damn, i'm sleepy..my eyes are sloppy and my stomach is grumbling. Yes, i'm hungry. Imma go whip up some food later. Midnight snack! Yumm!
Tomorrow i'll be going to labuan with my cousin, Abraham. It is a spontaneous holiday. Like on monday, I was like "Mari kita p Labuan" and then he said "ui, meh la"..so, we decided to go tomorrow. Hah..lol..funny when I think bout it. Only me and him, without parents..hehe..i think I feel my devil side awaken. Mwahahahaha >:D yes, mum and dad we'll be good as an angel with a halo on top. Haha..right..we'll go to the pub with aunt ivy and drink till we're drop! Sorry..was just kidding..seriously..i'm kidding. Don't took it seriously. But we will buy some alcohol tho. Don't try to stop us! hehe.. I will not bring my laptop with me as you know, people these days..*sigh* too demonish! Ugh..i wished the bad people would perished from this world. Damn, i'm sleepy..my eyes are sloppy and my stomach is grumbling. Yes, i'm hungry. Imma go whip up some food later. Midnight snack! Yumm!
Haha morning..
Morning bloggers!
Haha..its funny..just know Joanne voluntered to cook breakfast for us.. When she cooked the garlic..it turned brown and it burned! Gosh..it was like her first time cooking fried rice. But it ain't bad. Yumm! hehe...
Haha..its funny..just know Joanne voluntered to cook breakfast for us.. When she cooked the garlic..it turned brown and it burned! Gosh..it was like her first time cooking fried rice. But it ain't bad. Yumm! hehe...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Atleast today is less painful to me..
Hey bloggers!
Lol..i'm smilling like an insane maniac..
Like just now, my parents came home from work and my dad told me to carry the dog food in the backseat of the car. So, I went outside and guess what I found? First, I thought I was dreaming and when I carried it, it doesn't feel like a dog food to me. It was dark outside and when I went inside..The pack that I was carrying was not dog food but my laptop!! My dad called me in the afternoon saying that I will get my laptop tomorrow and today he supprised me! My laptop is in my hand, at last! A BIG THANKS TO MY DAD AND MUM! I LOVE YOU FOREVER!! And the laptop is my favourite color too..which is black. Yay.. Omigosh, someone hit me with something..I think I'm dreaming..
Lol..i'm smilling like an insane maniac..
Like just now, my parents came home from work and my dad told me to carry the dog food in the backseat of the car. So, I went outside and guess what I found? First, I thought I was dreaming and when I carried it, it doesn't feel like a dog food to me. It was dark outside and when I went inside..The pack that I was carrying was not dog food but my laptop!! My dad called me in the afternoon saying that I will get my laptop tomorrow and today he supprised me! My laptop is in my hand, at last! A BIG THANKS TO MY DAD AND MUM! I LOVE YOU FOREVER!! And the laptop is my favourite color too..which is black. Yay.. Omigosh, someone hit me with something..I think I'm dreaming..
It's written...
Morning bloggers...
I'm feeling a lil bit under the weather today coz of last night. I've no mood to eat nor talk to anyone. I just want to sleep. Sleep makes the pain in me go away. But when I woke up in the morning, the pain came back. I just want to close my eyes and hoping it would never open again, so I would not feel the pain inside me. I wished I was dead inside so I can't feel the pain torturing my whole body. I feel weak. I feel vulnerable. I can be broken into pieces. Gah, I wished I was stronger. Since that person told me to move on, I feel empty in me. There's no one to fill the happy spot. I broke down easily, my heart is beating fast like hell, I sweat often and my blood pressure is getting high. I just want to close my eyes! Close it tightly..and wait for my heart to stop beating. Dub..dub..dub.....the sound of my heartbeat is fading away.. Then, I saw my body..lying there, lifeless. Suddenly, I heard people mourning and weeping for me as my body was laid in the black coffin. I left..then await for the journey ahead of me. OMFG! I think I imagine that I died just now..gawd! But I already feel that inside of me anyway.. I just want that someone to save me from all this mess..grab my hand and pulled me out from this pitch-black hole. Fill me with light and make me whole again. But I know that someone won't come back. I'll just have to wait...letting this pain eating me..
Where are you? I need you..so much...
I'm feeling a lil bit under the weather today coz of last night. I've no mood to eat nor talk to anyone. I just want to sleep. Sleep makes the pain in me go away. But when I woke up in the morning, the pain came back. I just want to close my eyes and hoping it would never open again, so I would not feel the pain inside me. I wished I was dead inside so I can't feel the pain torturing my whole body. I feel weak. I feel vulnerable. I can be broken into pieces. Gah, I wished I was stronger. Since that person told me to move on, I feel empty in me. There's no one to fill the happy spot. I broke down easily, my heart is beating fast like hell, I sweat often and my blood pressure is getting high. I just want to close my eyes! Close it tightly..and wait for my heart to stop beating. Dub..dub..dub.....the sound of my heartbeat is fading away.. Then, I saw my body..lying there, lifeless. Suddenly, I heard people mourning and weeping for me as my body was laid in the black coffin. I left..then await for the journey ahead of me. OMFG! I think I imagine that I died just now..gawd! But I already feel that inside of me anyway.. I just want that someone to save me from all this mess..grab my hand and pulled me out from this pitch-black hole. Fill me with light and make me whole again. But I know that someone won't come back. I'll just have to wait...letting this pain eating me..
Where are you? I need you..so much...
Monday, March 16, 2009
Monday..monday..why oh why, monday..
Hey bloggers.. *sigh* monday...yup..monday..
I'm not fond of mondays anyway..don't know why..
So much cleaning to do.. Cleaned my room today coz soon me and Joanne are gonna move back there.. so today we decided to clean it. F.Y.I we haven't done with the cleaning. Still a lot do to. Like we're gonna throw all the stuff out, repaint the wall, rearrange our beds and here comes the TV! Yeah..TV..me likey..ooh ooh and the DVD player..mwahahahaha >:D
Can't wait for monday to end tho coz I'll be getting my laptop tomorrow. Hello Tuesday! Haish..so much to college to apply..haven't decide where to go..head hurts..Seriously, i don't know what to do with my future! There's a lot been going in my head now. Mass Com? Nursing? Teaching? Culinary Arts? Hotel Management? Argh, I can't decide! My mum said I'm good at writing stuff and I agreed with her. Thinking of applying mass com. Then, my grandma asked to go for nursing. And my grandpa asked me to go to Matriculation. Owh, for goodness sake, I hate accounting! My mum also says that i'm good in my english, so she recommend me to teach english in school. Gah! Me? Gosh, me? Teaching?! Lol, I can't teach. I have a low self-esteem. I mean very low..I get shy easily..huhu.. Owh well..might as well wait and keep applying into different colleges/universities.
I'm not fond of mondays anyway..don't know why..
So much cleaning to do.. Cleaned my room today coz soon me and Joanne are gonna move back there.. so today we decided to clean it. F.Y.I we haven't done with the cleaning. Still a lot do to. Like we're gonna throw all the stuff out, repaint the wall, rearrange our beds and here comes the TV! Yeah..TV..me likey..ooh ooh and the DVD player..mwahahahaha >:D
Can't wait for monday to end tho coz I'll be getting my laptop tomorrow. Hello Tuesday! Haish..so much to college to apply..haven't decide where to go..head hurts..Seriously, i don't know what to do with my future! There's a lot been going in my head now. Mass Com? Nursing? Teaching? Culinary Arts? Hotel Management? Argh, I can't decide! My mum said I'm good at writing stuff and I agreed with her. Thinking of applying mass com. Then, my grandma asked to go for nursing. And my grandpa asked me to go to Matriculation. Owh, for goodness sake, I hate accounting! My mum also says that i'm good in my english, so she recommend me to teach english in school. Gah! Me? Gosh, me? Teaching?! Lol, I can't teach. I have a low self-esteem. I mean very low..I get shy easily..huhu.. Owh well..might as well wait and keep applying into different colleges/universities.
Have you ever...??
Hey bloggers! Just a random posting bout my inner feelings..damn, i need to let it out!
Have you ever felt that you've been left out by your family? Or your friends? Or your bf/gf? Or your bf/gf's friends? Nah, maybe not your bf/gf's friends but your own family or your friends. If you have been in that situation, how does it feels? I know, heart breaking right?
-Lets out the BIGGEST sigh ever-
I've never feel left out with my family. They're too wonderful and amazing to do that hurtful thing. I love them so much. No one or anything could take them away from me. I'll fight for it no matter what. I don't care if it tear my body apart. My family are my life! Enough bout family, let's talk bout friendship. Imagine, you and your friends have been friends for like forever. Then suddenly they ditched you. They don't answered your phone calls, they don't text you like they always do, they pretend that they never met you. Talking bout a MAJOR HEARTBROKEN! Like when you say "hi" to them, they just looked at you and making faces. When you walked away, the start to gossip bout you. The next day, people around you start talking behind your back and calling you names coz of the rumors that your friends spread. C'mon people! Where's your sense of respect towards others? You heard rumor bout someone then you go spreading it like a wildfire. How would you feel if someone did that to you?! So, don't spread any rumors about your friends or the people you don't know. Mind your own business, would you?! Thank you. Have you ever think that this spreading rumors thing can cause death? Owh sure, you never thought of that coz you don't have a sense of respect towards other. In case you're wondering why I post this, its cause I've done it a long time ago to a friend and I damn regret for what I've done. Guess what? We became even close and I get to know her better. I get to understand her well and she's not that bad. She's very understanding and caring. No, I will not tell her name. So please..i'm begging stop the spreading of rumors already. Too much suicide..too much pain..so many funerals..
So, if you agree with me on stopping this SR [Spreading of rumors]..
Please, comment this post and let me know what you think.
Have you ever felt that you've been left out by your family? Or your friends? Or your bf/gf? Or your bf/gf's friends? Nah, maybe not your bf/gf's friends but your own family or your friends. If you have been in that situation, how does it feels? I know, heart breaking right?
-Lets out the BIGGEST sigh ever-
I've never feel left out with my family. They're too wonderful and amazing to do that hurtful thing. I love them so much. No one or anything could take them away from me. I'll fight for it no matter what. I don't care if it tear my body apart. My family are my life! Enough bout family, let's talk bout friendship. Imagine, you and your friends have been friends for like forever. Then suddenly they ditched you. They don't answered your phone calls, they don't text you like they always do, they pretend that they never met you. Talking bout a MAJOR HEARTBROKEN! Like when you say "hi" to them, they just looked at you and making faces. When you walked away, the start to gossip bout you. The next day, people around you start talking behind your back and calling you names coz of the rumors that your friends spread. C'mon people! Where's your sense of respect towards others? You heard rumor bout someone then you go spreading it like a wildfire. How would you feel if someone did that to you?! So, don't spread any rumors about your friends or the people you don't know. Mind your own business, would you?! Thank you. Have you ever think that this spreading rumors thing can cause death? Owh sure, you never thought of that coz you don't have a sense of respect towards other. In case you're wondering why I post this, its cause I've done it a long time ago to a friend and I damn regret for what I've done. Guess what? We became even close and I get to know her better. I get to understand her well and she's not that bad. She's very understanding and caring. No, I will not tell her name. So please..i'm begging stop the spreading of rumors already. Too much suicide..too much pain..so many funerals..
So, if you agree with me on stopping this SR [Spreading of rumors]..
Please, comment this post and let me know what you think.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Finished Eclipse..on to Breaking Dawn
Hey bloggers..
I just finished reading Eclipse like 10 minutes ago and now I'm on Page 19 of Breaking Dawn. Argh! I'm almost finish reading Twilight Saga! Yay me! Can't wait to know what happen to Bella!
Argh! The suspense! Anticipating..sheesh
I just finished reading Eclipse like 10 minutes ago and now I'm on Page 19 of Breaking Dawn. Argh! I'm almost finish reading Twilight Saga! Yay me! Can't wait to know what happen to Bella!
Argh! The suspense! Anticipating..sheesh
Friday, March 13, 2009
Incomplete Twilight Saga..*sigh*
Afternoon bloggers!
*sigh* another boring day at home..what to do..what to do..
So imma share with you all bout my incomplete Twilight Saga books..
So far, I owned New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. I've finished reading New Moon 2 weeks ago and now I'm halfway through Eclipse. I may be starting Breaking Dawn next week tho. I still don't have Twilight coz I've already seen the movie. I'll buy it when I have my cash with me. Man, this books are driving me crazy. Every page you turned, the suspense grew stronger. I've read Eclipse until I burned the midnight oil. Ugh..i wanna know what happen to Bella after..umm, nevermind. You should read the book yourself. Teehee!
A day with my mum [Yesterday]
Hey bloggers... wow..next week cuti lah..hehe..
So..yesterday was okay... after getting my result, me and mum went to jalan-jalan at Warisan Square, Centre Point and Karamunsing. Haaahh..I get to spend time with my mum. She was happy for me yesterday but I was gonna cry when I enter the car from school yesterday. She told me that she was worried bout me and she said, "Whatever you get for your spm, I'm happy for you". I'm glad i'm have a mum who cares that much. Oh shit! I think I'm gonna cry. Can't hold back my tears.. *cries* sorry, mind me. Its just tears of joy. Yesterday was kinda funny tho when we're at Karamunsing. My mum brought me to this shop for a facial. I was like "omigosh! Facial?!" I've never been to one before. So, yesterday was my first time. Damn, the pain was so excruciating! The worker there cleanse my blackheads on my nose..my zits..ugh! Ouch much! Now, i'm officially a Herbaline Member. Teehee! At CP, I bought A Walk To Remember dvd. Damn, I've been craving to watch the movie for like years. I heard the ending of the movie was awesome so imma watch it later. My parents said that I'll be getting my laptop next week after my bro went back to KL. Yay! Two thumbs up for my new life. Privacy at last! Lol..i'm getting busy already with college applications. Still thinking where I want to study. Haish..no matter. Imma go to the education fair next week at Sabah Trade Center. Teehee!
So..yesterday was okay... after getting my result, me and mum went to jalan-jalan at Warisan Square, Centre Point and Karamunsing. Haaahh..I get to spend time with my mum. She was happy for me yesterday but I was gonna cry when I enter the car from school yesterday. She told me that she was worried bout me and she said, "Whatever you get for your spm, I'm happy for you". I'm glad i'm have a mum who cares that much. Oh shit! I think I'm gonna cry. Can't hold back my tears.. *cries* sorry, mind me. Its just tears of joy. Yesterday was kinda funny tho when we're at Karamunsing. My mum brought me to this shop for a facial. I was like "omigosh! Facial?!" I've never been to one before. So, yesterday was my first time. Damn, the pain was so excruciating! The worker there cleanse my blackheads on my nose..my zits..ugh! Ouch much! Now, i'm officially a Herbaline Member. Teehee! At CP, I bought A Walk To Remember dvd. Damn, I've been craving to watch the movie for like years. I heard the ending of the movie was awesome so imma watch it later. My parents said that I'll be getting my laptop next week after my bro went back to KL. Yay! Two thumbs up for my new life. Privacy at last! Lol..i'm getting busy already with college applications. Still thinking where I want to study. Haish..no matter. Imma go to the education fair next week at Sabah Trade Center. Teehee!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
you know what? Why don't you just fuck me dead?!
Wtf?! Ugh, why are you doing this to me?!
This is for the..i don't know! Countless times! You asked me to dump you! You asked me to leave you! And you said you can't even make me happy and you think that you're worthless. Fuck that crap, okay?! You're everything to me. You do make me happy. You told me that you wanted you fking die. You said life is meaningless to you. Then, what am I to you anyway?! A puppet?! So that you can play with me and leave me when you want?! I should have think that when we're getting back together. You've hurt me so many times and yet that pain in my heart will always be mended by you. Now, its like..it will be forever broken. One thing for sure, I will not say goodbye to you although you asked me too. I don't care how much it will hurt me if you want me too. Just so you know, if you die..I will never forgive you for the rest of my fking life!
I love you so much!
This is for the..i don't know! Countless times! You asked me to dump you! You asked me to leave you! And you said you can't even make me happy and you think that you're worthless. Fuck that crap, okay?! You're everything to me. You do make me happy. You told me that you wanted you fking die. You said life is meaningless to you. Then, what am I to you anyway?! A puppet?! So that you can play with me and leave me when you want?! I should have think that when we're getting back together. You've hurt me so many times and yet that pain in my heart will always be mended by you. Now, its like..it will be forever broken. One thing for sure, I will not say goodbye to you although you asked me too. I don't care how much it will hurt me if you want me too. Just so you know, if you die..I will never forgive you for the rest of my fking life!
I love you so much!
what a day..what a day.. *sigh*
Hey bloggies! Man, what a day..what a day...
Yep, SPM result is out today.. *Lets out a BIG sigh*
My oh my..my oh my.. I don't know what to say. I don't even know should if I be happy? Sad? Mad? Or anything.. Okay..okay.. Let's get straight to the point.
I only scored 5 A's out of ten subjects. I nearly got 8 A's if it wasn't for my sejarah, perdagangan and add science. Its one step to go to score A2. Yep, all those subject are B3. Damn.. But anyway, I'm grateful to God for what I got. To tell the truth, I never expect to get this result because based on my 8 semester of exam when I'm in school, I never scored that much. I always flunked on every subject. LOL
So, I am happy with my result. Yes, i've passed my add maths but I'm not gonna tell you what I got. As I promised, Addmaths, I adored you forever!! Thanks for making my life less painful today. I'm grateful for everything. Thank you God, Jesus, Mother Mary, Holy Spirit and all the angels, my wonderful parents who is always there to support me and all the people who have helped in my studies. Thanks for everything. At least, i've live through the day..hehe
Yep, SPM result is out today.. *Lets out a BIG sigh*
My oh my..my oh my.. I don't know what to say. I don't even know should if I be happy? Sad? Mad? Or anything.. Okay..okay.. Let's get straight to the point.
I only scored 5 A's out of ten subjects. I nearly got 8 A's if it wasn't for my sejarah, perdagangan and add science. Its one step to go to score A2. Yep, all those subject are B3. Damn.. But anyway, I'm grateful to God for what I got. To tell the truth, I never expect to get this result because based on my 8 semester of exam when I'm in school, I never scored that much. I always flunked on every subject. LOL
So, I am happy with my result. Yes, i've passed my add maths but I'm not gonna tell you what I got. As I promised, Addmaths, I adored you forever!! Thanks for making my life less painful today. I'm grateful for everything. Thank you God, Jesus, Mother Mary, Holy Spirit and all the angels, my wonderful parents who is always there to support me and all the people who have helped in my studies. Thanks for everything. At least, i've live through the day..hehe
D-Day is TODAY!!!
Omigosh! The day is TODAY! Its 6.17 am here, I know i'm up early. I'm always up early to make my sis her breakfast for school. Argh..its like 3 hours to go! I'm sooooooooo NERVOUS and SCARED! I can't sleep well last night. I kept opening my eyes, rolling everywhere on my bed. My hands and feet were cold last night. As in, icy cold. When I hold my mum last night, she was shocked coz she said my body was like a dead body coz its cold. And I was like "I'm dead inside." She laughed. Yeah, thanks. Ooooooh, i'm scared..*squeakes like a mouse*. Seriously, I am.
- Gives out a BIG SIGH -
Whatever happens, I'll face the truth with my head held up high. Then, I'll locked myself in my room for the whole day or weeks. Depend on my result. Hey, maybe I should write another will in case I die today? >:D hehe..nah, I won't die. It would be waste of time anyway.
So, wish me luck for today.
And owh, if I don't come back..umm..nevermind..
- Gives out a BIG SIGH -
Whatever happens, I'll face the truth with my head held up high. Then, I'll locked myself in my room for the whole day or weeks. Depend on my result. Hey, maybe I should write another will in case I die today? >:D hehe..nah, I won't die. It would be waste of time anyway.
So, wish me luck for today.
And owh, if I don't come back..umm..nevermind..
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Jeng! Jeng! Jeng! The day is tomorrow!
Hey bloggers!
Omigosh, the BIG day is tomorrow! Damn, my heart is beating fast and i'm so nervous. I can imagine tomorrow, taking my slip and saw the most painful thing ever. Haish, hope that never happen. Like I'm asking my mum to not go to work tomorrow so she'll be there for me when I go through my painful day. If I don't update my blog tomorrow, that's mean I locked myself in my room, crying and torturing myself. Argh! A little miracle would help me feel better a lot. Seriously people, i'm like walking anxiously in the house. Walk here and there, thinking bout my result. My hands and feet are trembling, I feel that I want to fall. I'm trying to be strong. Just like Eri said to me last night, "you can do it, be strong". I'll find that strenght in me. Eventually. Gosh..gah..help me..
Omigosh, the BIG day is tomorrow! Damn, my heart is beating fast and i'm so nervous. I can imagine tomorrow, taking my slip and saw the most painful thing ever. Haish, hope that never happen. Like I'm asking my mum to not go to work tomorrow so she'll be there for me when I go through my painful day. If I don't update my blog tomorrow, that's mean I locked myself in my room, crying and torturing myself. Argh! A little miracle would help me feel better a lot. Seriously people, i'm like walking anxiously in the house. Walk here and there, thinking bout my result. My hands and feet are trembling, I feel that I want to fall. I'm trying to be strong. Just like Eri said to me last night, "you can do it, be strong". I'll find that strenght in me. Eventually. Gosh..gah..help me..
anybody listen to All Time Low?



Hey bloggers!
I'm just wondering, is there anybody here listen to All Time Low?
Its a pop-punk band from Maryland. The band consists of lead vocalist Alex Gaskarth also a guitarist, Jack Barakat a bassist, Zack Merrick and drummer, Rian Dawson. Seriously, try listen to their songs. I don't know if you like it but hey, everybody has a different taste in music right? My favourite songs from the band are..
- Dear Maria, Count Me In [The most awesome song] -
- Memories That Fade Like Photographs -
- Lullabies [Beautiful words] -
- Come one, Come all [Fun] -
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Gah........!!! Imma go crazy!
Hey hey people! Omigosh! Omigod! Ohmy! Ohshit!
Its like 48 hours till D-Day! Arghhhhhhh... i'm scared! Okay, i know I've said the word in every post but seriously guys, I'm friggin scared! I've been thinking bout it alot today.. Time passed by so fast and I hardly even realize it. It feels like it was just yesterday the last day of the exam. Man, imma grow old fast if time pass by that fast. My heart is beating so fast.. and i'm sweating like hell. I can't even think straight and sometimes I would say things I wouldn't say. Lol, you guys better think twice before communicating with this jerk now. Seriously, when I'm in this situation, mood swings came to take up its toll. To make things more worse, Eri texted me today and it makes me so mad. If you want to die, just die. Leave me then! I don't care! I'm sick of you talking bout death! I'm sick of everything. I know i've been protective to you but its only because that I cared for you so much and yet you..nevermind! Ugh, forget bout you! Let's get back to my current situation. To all Smsm students, siapa yang bleh sneak pigi pejabat and tolong check result sa? Hehe..sorry. I'm just kidding. I'm too desperate now. I only want to know what I get on my addmaths and accounts. I can feel that I flunked it! Oooohhh..please don't let it happen. *Lets out a big sigh* At least, there's a little light shining in me today. The one that I want to talk the most, talked to me today on msn. Its Vans. Gahh..its been a while since we last talked. Vans makes me happy..hmmm..
Haish..lets just wait then..imma go and cry my ass off so I wouldn't shed a single tear on that day. *Go into my room, sits on the bed and cy with pillow covering my face*
Its like 48 hours till D-Day! Arghhhhhhh... i'm scared! Okay, i know I've said the word in every post but seriously guys, I'm friggin scared! I've been thinking bout it alot today.. Time passed by so fast and I hardly even realize it. It feels like it was just yesterday the last day of the exam. Man, imma grow old fast if time pass by that fast. My heart is beating so fast.. and i'm sweating like hell. I can't even think straight and sometimes I would say things I wouldn't say. Lol, you guys better think twice before communicating with this jerk now. Seriously, when I'm in this situation, mood swings came to take up its toll. To make things more worse, Eri texted me today and it makes me so mad. If you want to die, just die. Leave me then! I don't care! I'm sick of you talking bout death! I'm sick of everything. I know i've been protective to you but its only because that I cared for you so much and yet you..nevermind! Ugh, forget bout you! Let's get back to my current situation. To all Smsm students, siapa yang bleh sneak pigi pejabat and tolong check result sa? Hehe..sorry. I'm just kidding. I'm too desperate now. I only want to know what I get on my addmaths and accounts. I can feel that I flunked it! Oooohhh..please don't let it happen. *Lets out a big sigh* At least, there's a little light shining in me today. The one that I want to talk the most, talked to me today on msn. Its Vans. Gahh..its been a while since we last talked. Vans makes me happy..hmmm..
Haish..lets just wait then..imma go and cry my ass off so I wouldn't shed a single tear on that day. *Go into my room, sits on the bed and cy with pillow covering my face*
Argh! Countdown to D-Day!!
Hey bloggers!
Ugh, i'm so damn scared. D-day day is so near. 2 days left. And tomorrow is Wednesday and the next day is THURSDAY!!! More like a Tearsday to me. Help me......!! I'm so nervous and I think imma broke down and cry. -Cries like a baby..wa..wa..wa..wa.. >.<- Hope everything is going to be less painful. Huhu..addmaths..addmaths..addmaths.. I know I never pass on you but please.. I will forever adore you if you atleast let me pass. Okay, i'm being a little desperate aren't I? *sigh* Damn! I want to go to a good university, study there and get good grades, hoping for a scholarships, get a job that pays well and save enough money to live up my life. After that, I would take care of my parents, send them to a holiday for their wedding anniversary and buy my own house. Starting a family would have to wait. Besides, its not even in my life plan. Hey, I was suppose to talk about D-Day, not bout my life plan. Sheesh. Imma go ninja on myself. Hiyaahh! So, on thursday..based on the news, we can take our result at 10.00am. So maybe imma go to the school at 11.00am with my friends. Aaahh..going back to the school, brings back such incredible memories. -Starts to daydream- Where me and my mates went to the toilet everyday at recess time. Then, we eat together at our favourite hangout place..that is near to the Makmal Kimia, if I'm not mistaken. Haha..there we would talk and sometimes gossip bout the people walk by or teachers. Lol, we were so bad. Well..not a badass but average. I miss my mates..
- Lee Foon a.k.a Foon -
- Norain a.k.a Ain -
- Theresia a.k.a Tres -
- Michelle a.k.a Chol -
- Kenny a.k.a Kenut -
- Magretha a.k.a Lona -
- Julica a.k.a Jul -
- Shervealle a.k.a Jill -
- Eliza a.k.a Eja -
Gosh, I miss them so much. No matter, i'll be meeting them this thursday! Huhu..i can't think straight.. D-Day kept bothering me in my head. Haish, i'll try to calm down by reading Eclipse. Gah..imma go jump from the roof to ease the pain. *calms down*
Owh well, might as well wait for D-day to come..
Ugh, i'm so damn scared. D-day day is so near. 2 days left. And tomorrow is Wednesday and the next day is THURSDAY!!! More like a Tearsday to me. Help me......!! I'm so nervous and I think imma broke down and cry. -Cries like a baby..wa..wa..wa..wa.. >.<- Hope everything is going to be less painful. Huhu..addmaths..addmaths..addmaths.. I know I never pass on you but please.. I will forever adore you if you atleast let me pass. Okay, i'm being a little desperate aren't I? *sigh* Damn! I want to go to a good university, study there and get good grades, hoping for a scholarships, get a job that pays well and save enough money to live up my life. After that, I would take care of my parents, send them to a holiday for their wedding anniversary and buy my own house. Starting a family would have to wait. Besides, its not even in my life plan. Hey, I was suppose to talk about D-Day, not bout my life plan. Sheesh. Imma go ninja on myself. Hiyaahh! So, on thursday..based on the news, we can take our result at 10.00am. So maybe imma go to the school at 11.00am with my friends. Aaahh..going back to the school, brings back such incredible memories. -Starts to daydream- Where me and my mates went to the toilet everyday at recess time. Then, we eat together at our favourite hangout place..that is near to the Makmal Kimia, if I'm not mistaken. Haha..there we would talk and sometimes gossip bout the people walk by or teachers. Lol, we were so bad. Well..not a badass but average. I miss my mates..
- Lee Foon a.k.a Foon -
- Norain a.k.a Ain -
- Theresia a.k.a Tres -
- Michelle a.k.a Chol -
- Kenny a.k.a Kenut -
- Magretha a.k.a Lona -
- Julica a.k.a Jul -
- Shervealle a.k.a Jill -
- Eliza a.k.a Eja -
Gosh, I miss them so much. No matter, i'll be meeting them this thursday! Huhu..i can't think straight.. D-Day kept bothering me in my head. Haish, i'll try to calm down by reading Eclipse. Gah..imma go jump from the roof to ease the pain. *calms down*
Owh well, might as well wait for D-day to come..
Monday, March 9, 2009
Stereotypes! Ugh! I hate it!
Hey bloggers! This is the last post for the day coz its like late here. So today my sis told me something that makes me go "Grrrrrrr....!!". Joanne, you better tell them tomorrow or I'll go yadayada on you. This post is about stereotypes. Based on wikipedia stereotypes means..
A stereotype is a preconceived idea that attributes certain characteristics (in general) to all the members of class or set. The term is often used with a negative connotation when referring to an oversimplified, exaggerated, or demeaning assumption that a particular individual possesses the characteristics associated with the class due to his or her membership in it. Stereotypes can be used to deny individuals respect or legitimacy based on their membership in that group.
Gah! I don't understand why stereotypes exist. I don't understand why in the world people have to be differentiate with other people. I don't understand why people have to label other people. Damn, why would you do that? They don't bother you. They don't do you wrong except if they being an ass to you, of course you can go ninja on them. But there's no reason to label them. The most popular stereotypes of all is EMO. I don't know why some people hate them. They're just the same as us. Humans. Most of the people would go like "Shit, those guys are emos! Fuck them! Ugh, vampires! Goth!". I feel sorry for some of them. F.Y.I, we're all the same but different in our personalities and people have to realize it. Dammit, mind your own business would you?! Don't go like "Are you emo? Screw you!" "Damn, those nerds" "Anorexic Bitches!" "Fucking Vampires" "Stupid goth!" to people you don't know or even your own friends. Trust me, you'll hurt their feelings. So please, stop with the stereotyping already. Here's the 411, "Don't judge a book by its cover", learn that phrase before you go label other people. Get to know them first and it will be all worth. If the person behave like an arsehole, just leave them be. Its no use to talk to that kind of person. Its a waste of time.
p/s: If you're agree with me on stopping stereotyping, please comment or talk to me on the chatbox. Let me know what you think of it. Thanks.
p/s: If you're agree with me on stopping stereotyping, please comment or talk to me on the chatbox. Let me know what you think of it. Thanks.
This is the first time I like Monday!
Hey bloggers! I just got back from 1Borneo. Omigosh! I just bought "Eclispe and Breaking Dawn"! Finally! Its in my hand! Mwahahahahahahahaha! I can spend my free time reading it! Yay me! Thanks mum and dad. Ugh! I've been waiting for those books for like 3 weeks. I'm almost to complete the Twilight Saga, but still I don't have the Twilight. No matter, i'll buy it someday.
*sigh* Haish..last night I had the most painful yet excruciating dream. It was a NIGHTMARE! Gah..I dreamed bout my spm result. Ooohh, i'm sure you don't wanna know.. It hurts me so friggin much. Its even painful in the dream, its like real. If that happens in the reality, I would definately kill myself! Don't believe me? Owh, I will >.
*sigh* Haish..last night I had the most painful yet excruciating dream. It was a NIGHTMARE! Gah..I dreamed bout my spm result. Ooohh, i'm sure you don't wanna know.. It hurts me so friggin much. Its even painful in the dream, its like real. If that happens in the reality, I would definately kill myself! Don't believe me? Owh, I will >.
Just Sharing with you all :D
Thanks for dropping by =D
The Peeps who follows!!
It Was Just Yesterday..
- pissed off by the person on msn..ugh!
- tagged by Abeline xD [thanks]
- what a great drummer! and he's only a kid!
- my poem in the school mag..
- To whom it may concern..
- Jacology [jaceyy's phenomena]
- yay for EARTH HOUR!
- countdown to EARTH HOUR!!
- not at home..sbalah rumah ja bah.. :P
- everyday's the same.. pikachu much?
- Happy+Worried= Harried
- I'm in the verge of a breakdown!
- Finally! I've finished reading Breaking Dawn!
- Harder Than You Know by Escape The Fate
- What a beach!
- 12 AM post..
- Yiruma! Best Pianist Ever!!
- From Labuan with love...
- Night Post...
- Haha morning..
- Atleast today is less painful to me..
- It's written...
- Monday..monday..why oh why, monday..
- Have you ever...??
- Finished Eclipse..on to Breaking Dawn
- Incomplete Twilight Saga..*sigh*
- A day with my mum [Yesterday]
- you know what? Why don't you just fuck me dead?!
- what a day..what a day.. *sigh*
- D-Day is TODAY!!!
- Jeng! Jeng! Jeng! The day is tomorrow!
- anybody listen to All Time Low?
- Gah........!!! Imma go crazy!
- Argh! Countdown to D-Day!!
- Stereotypes! Ugh! I hate it!
- This is the first time I like Monday!
- I'm obsess with NeverShoutNever!
- random..*sigh*
- Haish..5 days to go.. [if I don't come back...umm..]
- Tagged by Abeline [thanks ^^]
- You sure bout us?
- I'm loving my wayfarer!!
- OMFG! SPM result out on 12th March!! huhu..
- Who wants to kill me? Just do it, I don't mind..
- Hohoho! Have a merry tagging!! xD
- Gahhhhhh.. T.T
- Students miserable at school and I'm miserable at ...
- It really is over, init?
- Single Life Day Two
- I tag you! You're it!
- Single Life Day One