Saturday, February 28, 2009

Reports for February..

Afternoon bloggers!! So, the last day of this month.. wow, time pass by so fast and I didn't even realize it.. I can't believe tomorrow is March!! MARCH!! The third month of the year!!
Lets get things straight...March means..
1. SPM Result in 3 weeks!!
2. 5 Month Anniversary me and Eri!! (1st March)
3. Laptop!!
4. College applications!!
5. Macbeth shoes!!

So, Jaceyy reporting for duty, sir! Reports for Febby..
February have been a wonderful month..coz lot of things had occured. Nearly break-ups, vacation with family, aahh, good times..good times...
I don't want to report much bout this month.. coz i'm using my sister's laptop now resulting in, i don't have any ideas to post..hehe.. i'll make it short and simple...

Love life...
There's ups and downs with me and Eri..we fought for like everyday..
but in the end, we always make up... well, thats us ^^

Everyday Life..
Chores..choress...and more choresss...
I'm officially become the maid in the house.. you want me to come to your house and do all your chores for you? Then call me 0142xxxxxx... my pay is average between $6500-$7000 [try converting it into malaysian ringgit] mwahahahahahahahaha....!!!!
Oohh..oohh..yeah, our VACATION!!! It was a blast!! Fun! Awesome! Amazing! Heart pumping! Adrenaline Rushing! and mostly TIRING!! But all it comes to end so fast.. in a good way tho.. i'm still waiting for my Macbeth shoes to be delivered to me tho from my aunty..can't wait ^^

well, i think that's all.. i like it short and simple but yet its understandable...


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