Tuesday, April 7, 2009

You're cuter..No you..That's final!

Haha? Have you ever heard this quote? " When I'm at the park, I saw this couple and I was jealous of them. Why? Because they were fighting who loves who more." If I'm not mistaken, you can find the quote at photobucket. I'm feeling jealous too although I never saw any couple fighting bout that before. And at the same time, I also feel sad coz I can only do it virtually. Today, when I talked with Vans we were fighting who's more cuter. Our convo goes like this..
Vans: Cute.
Me: Aww..you're cuter.
Vans: No you are. Cutie.
Me: No, you're more cuter.
Vans: Never!
Me: Yes you are. More cuter :)
Vans: No. Why? You are.
Me: No, you.
Vans: No, you.
Me: Okay, we both are cute.
Vans: Yay!
I wished I can do it in the reality. Vans and I are just too far apart. 8 hours by plane. Miles away from each other. I'd give anything to go to Melbourne. Is it expensive to call someone in Australia? Hmm..Nah, I don't care. Yikes, I can still feel the person's hand holding my hand. I mean the person in my dream the other night. I can feel the touch. The soft loving touch. It sent chills down my spine tho. I can't forget it. I want to dream that person again. I hope the person is Vans. Damn! Owh well..



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