Saturday, April 11, 2009

what the bloody hell?!

OMFG! Just now, I was on msn. Couldn't resist the temptation, and vans was on. Vans said I didn't call. I was like..OMFG! I totally forgot coz I thought I was supposed to call tomorrow. I was sad and so as vans. So, I called vans just now. I was like, OMFG! Australian accent was the most beautiful accent ever! Believe me coz I was shaking there and here. I was freakin nervous and my heart is beating hella fast!! I say the word, "oh my gosh!" many times coz thats what I say when get so nervous. After ended the call..i was like jumping all over my room, punching the door and smiling like an insane lunatic. Ahhh..*dreams* I'm in love.. Gosh..i'm lame! Vans said my voice was adorable and emi said its cute when i say "Oh my gosh" everytime. Those two..LOL! Imma call again tomorrow. But first, reload! Hehe.. It costs me about RM6.00 tho for about 7 mins. Imma go buy it tonight. Dammit.. how can I stop my hands from shaking?! I need to punch the wall maybe? Yeah..i do that. BRB! ........
Done! And it still shaking..huhu..dahh.. mind it..



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