Sunday, April 26, 2009

wahhhh..done...13 days to go..

Before I start my yadayada on what's going on today..I just want to say..
Haha..yay to my former school! OKay..okay..nuff said. Today was sick! Been out for the whole day and I didn't even get to talk to Vans. Sheesh..being busy, I mean very busy with college errands. Buying that, buying this. So much things to buy. Gah! Going broke here! LOL! But at last it was worth tho, I've bought everything in my checklist. Man, that matriculation rules are so eaffin strict! No wearing T's?! Like, what am I going to wear then? Ugh! Dammit, I need help here. I was wondering, whos' going to be my roommates? Hmm.. Hope tidak kena yg drama queen punya or yg pretend friendship punya. Ugh..I can't live with those kind of people. And ooh ooh, people who likes to stereotyped other people..don't dare to label me. I am for who I am. Nothing you can do to change it! Lol..mind that. I'm friggin tired tho, but i'm going to bed later. So, teehee!

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