Friday, April 10, 2009


Owh someone please..KILL me now! It was a freakin eaffin busy day today. Gosh, everyday is a busy day. Imma breakdown soon. Believe me. Well, our room is all set. Joanne is sleeping coz of tiredness. And I, didn't online on msn today. Been busy since morning. At 3.00pm we go to church at Stella Maris. Damn, it was so HOT! I was sweating all over. Ugh, smelly much. Didn't talk to my dear..gosh. I'm getting addicted to talking to vans. My hands and back hurts. I'm still freakin nervous about the interview. Still haven't figure out what to say. Three days to go. Omigosh! Omigosh! 72 hours to go! Its so near. My eyes are heavy.. Owh well, imma head for bed now. Night night! :D



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