Wednesday, April 8, 2009

what a boring day :[

Damn..what a BORING day. Today, I woke up with a new resolution, that is not using internet for a day. I realized that I'm truly addicted to ONLINE everyday. I didn't talk to Vans or Kayle today. Since I got nothing to do in the morning, I went to bed for a snooze. Turned on the air-con and dozed off. When I woke up, go downstairs and saw my laptop there..calling me to use it..and then I saw the wi-fi, also calling me to use it. What a TEMPTATION! I try to resist it but I can't. Too much pain in me..need to use the internet..BAMM! Here I am sitting in the living room using it. Dammit! I can't resist it. All day I thought about Vans, not talking to my dear makes me go yadayada and Eri suddenly came across my mind. When I listened to Halo, you came across my mind. I haven't delete the rest of your message tho coz when I read it, I feel calm and I smiled suddenly like a lunatic. I can't bring myself to delete your messages. I regret deleted your other 506 messages. Those words you said to me. Some of it healed the pain in me. It's been 3 weeks since we last talked. Argh! Why can't I forget you already?! It's really hard to move on, you know that?! I love you too much when we're together but I'm sure now your love is not the same anymore. I understand that. I got Vans in my life and you can have anybody you want. Right now, I just want you to fade away from my memory forever. Owh what the heck, mind what I said just now. So, the interview thing still bugs me. Really, seriously, I don't know what to say. Should I talk about me? Things that I like? Stuff that I hate? Hmm? I really don't know. Imma call Vans for advice and support on that day. Sheesh, i'm being annoying again.



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