Wednesday, April 29, 2009

dating your Ex's BFF..right or wrong? dating your ex's bff right or wrong? I mean, we're not together anymore, dating her/his bff is okay right? I mean what if, when you're with your ex, his/her bff likes you too and she/he's afraid to tell you that he/she likes coz he/she doesn't want to ruin your relationship. Wow, a true friend indeed. And when you broke up, his/her bff knows and he/she wants to be with you. Its a hard decision to make. Think it right or wrong for you to date your ex's bff? Lol, I don't have the answer to this but this question suddenly popped in my head. Sorry, there's a lot happened in my life now. I'll be going to matriculation, and yes, I did told vans bout it.. and now we're both are sad. Good thing inside the campus, they sell reload there. Dammit, I'm sad now..feel like I'm about to breakdown and cry. I'm trying to hold back my tears. must goes on.. But one thing for sure, I will never stop loving you. Never ever! Remember us, forever and always.

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