Monday, April 13, 2009

College Interview tomorrow! Yikes O.O

Omg! Tomorrow is the interview!! Omg! Omg! Omg!
I'm so so so so so nervous!! I'm doing last minute research on nursing tho. Gah! I still can't get it. OMG! Someone please help me. Imma die! Eeeekkk.. and I haven't talk to vans today. Omigosh..I miss vans already. Dammit! So, any last words or advices for me? It could help me tho. Or give me support? Anything..It would be most appreciated. Matrix and SPA will also be out this week. One thing for sure, matriculation is not for me. Gosh.. my heart is beating fast and my hands will soon starting to shake. Trust me it will.. Owh well..



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