Tuesday, April 14, 2009

glad thats over..phew!

Booyah! I just came back from the interview. I nailed it! Haha..kinda. The result of the interview will be out in 4 weeks time. If I get accepted then I'll be flying to Penang on the 1st of July! JULY! Omigosh! I'll be celebrating my birthday there..hehe. During the interview, I was the last and the longest one to be interviewed. My mum said, "it seems that you two have fun" and I was like, "yeah coz it was funny". That person asked me tons of question. Wanna know what she asked? Read below..
1. About my whole family.
2. Why do you choose nursing as a career?
3. How do you know this college?
4. Health issue
5. Who's our Prime Minister now?
and many many more. I answered it with knowledge that I have in me. I didn't even study for it. Like she asked my just now what is "add science" and I said to her that its a combination of physics, chemistry and biology. Then she looked at me with a grin then said, "so, you know a lil bit bout biology right? Let me asked you some question." I was like *gulp* dammit, I only learned the basic. Then she asked me bout kidney and lungs. Gah..thank goodness I can answered them. And of course, I stuttered. I'm sure she noticed the nervousness when I spoke. Owh well..at least I live through it. Lol. All the applications will be out this week tho. So many to choose from but I'm beginning to like this college..we'll see about it.


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