Monday, April 20, 2009

do you really love me? just wondering..

I'm so sorry if you read this tho. Nah, i'm sure you won't. At least I hope you won't. Sometimes..okay, sometimes..I feel like you don't love me. This long distance relationship is so hard to cope. But I never give up coz I love you so much. This relationship taught me a lot about trusting someone. Yes, I trust you a lot. But I don't know today, this question suddenly crossed my mind. Sorry, I know you're sad now coz your bff just died. I understand that. Ugh, forget it anyway! Its making me sad just to think bout it. Forget what I said. Its just my mood swings. Dammit! Apart from being depressed today, someone just made my day. Its a friend of mine, Tori. We're okay now. She's not mad at me anymore. She said to me today that her mum and me are the only people that she got. She also said that I'm a part of her family. Thank you so much. I love you as my friend. Or maybe more than just a friend? Lol..nah. Just a friend. Hehe. Imma head for bed now. Till then, xoxo.


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