Friday, April 3, 2009

should I?

Should I be happy for this? Should I be angry? Should I be worrying bout you? Should I cared for you? All the answers are yes except for the happy part. Sometimes, I asked myself. Am I in love with you? Bloody hell, i'm in love with someone else not you. But I think I am in love with you. Argh! For eafin' sake, I can't be in love with you. I'm afraid this is going to happen if we were so close. Well, we are close and its happening!! This can't be happening. Dammit. I love V not T! What you told me today, really shocked me. Seriously. And you keep it to yourself and won't tell anybody. It makes me damn right worry bout you. What if you..owh nevermind. Okay, I think I have feelings for you but its not the same as I feel for V. I just cared for you, that's all. I'm so confused about my feelings now. Okay..okay.. My feelings are just for V and only V. I still haven't forget bout Eri tho. Argh! What are the odds that Eri still remember me? Sheesshh..



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