Sunday, April 5, 2009


Somebody please! Seriously..I need a massage. My back is aching, I have a bloody headache and Joanne have red eyes and I may get infected by her. Don't believe me? My eyes are starting to feel little itchy and sore. I've been doing the bloody chores for like 2 days. Didn't help to paint the wall tho coz went to my friend's house to celebrate our spm result. Her mum asked us to come. Her mum's Rendang was very tasty. Yumm! Thanks auntie for cooking delicious food for us! Btw, thanks for the rendang, my mum loves it! Haish, my head is so heavy! I hope i'll be sick soon so I wouldn't wake up early and do the bloody chores. I'm so bad >:D but yet, i'm still confused. Today, at my friend's house, we talked about love and relationships. Typical topic, eh? Discussing the topic makes me think of someone. It's Eri. Why I can't get over it?! I mean, Vans came into my life and mended my heart that's been broken by Eri. Still, why I can't move on?! One of my friends, her boyfriend is from Singapore, and Eri is from Singapore. Damn, it hurts me so much. I'm not sure if I'm going there in August. Mum has already bought the tickets. Wouldn't waste it,right? Owh well..shit! My head hurts..huhu. Imma sleep early tonight tho. This morning, I woke up early and before going to church, I go online for a while. Talked with Kayle, and today he told me that Josie broke up with him coz she doesn't love him anymore. I was like, wtf?! He was damn, I told him to calm down and gave him a hug. Well, a virtual hug tho. He still love Josie tho. I told him to think of happy thoughts. Thats what Vans told me to do when I'm sad or mad. It helps. Gah..tired..tired..sleep..yeah..sleep..



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