Wednesday, April 22, 2009

in my depressed mood.. :[

Ugh...i feel like I want to punch the damn mirror!! I don't know what to do. We talked today..and something just came across my mind. Wanna know what it is? It's YOU and our relationship. I feel like its going to end soon. I don't know why but it just came across my mind. I love you so much and I can't let you go. I know you feel the same way towards me but i just..idk. It's making me sad just to think of it. I cried today coz of you. And tomorrow its 23 April. You told that the "thing" in your room..told you that you're gonna..umm. Gah, I can't say it! Its painful and it hurts me so much! Please, don't let it happen. I can't take another goodbye. My heart can't take another blow.
*cries alone in room*

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