Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Another Day..another Arsehole moment

Mum from distance: Watch your languange!!
Me: What? You understand that too?
Mum from distance: Don't make me ground you!!
Me: I'm already grounded for babysitting those oof!
Mum from distance: That's it! To your room. Now!
Me: Glad too.

Another day..another me being a total arsehole...
My days keep getting worse and worser each day...
Staying home doing chores makes me go mental...
My phone is out of credits..can't text Brooke!!
There's no good dvd to watch...
Television makes me go yadayada bout something..
There's no decent song on the radio...
Online each day is getting bored...
I'm turning into a COOKIE MONSTER!!
I'mma go and steal your cookie jar!!
Mwahahaahahahahaahahaahhaaha...[sinister laugh]
Chatting on MSN is getting bored coz...
Vanessa's computer is still dead [i need to talk to her]..
Erika is stayin at her cousin's house N can't use the com..
Brooke doesn't always online...
Tori..umm..getting bored...
Siao btul ni hari....SOHAI!!

Today I'm writing my WILL in case I die of boredomness...

The most mental will by me..
I hereby writing this will just in case..
which you will find in Daily Express newspaper soon..
I want all of you to know that..
Thank you for reading my blog...
I love you all..haha..
OK..you all know that in every will..
there's a request that i need you to do..
So, if i die..[Just in case]..
Please, someone take over my blog..
Please, someone delete my friendster account...
Please, someone tell my friends on msn that I die..
Tell Vanessa, Brooke, Erika and Tori..
Please take care of my phone..reload it..
Please send me black rose to my grave every month..
Please stop the war for me..
Please end world poverty in Africa, India, Ethitopia, Iraq..
Please stop violence against animal..
Please stop violence against women..
Please stop violence against gay people..
Please stop being an idiot..
Please always support Obama!!
Please remember me always...[Thanks]
Mind my stupidity-ness...
Sa buat budu ja skarang ni coz tia tau pa mau buat..
Like i'mma go mental and go ninja on ur arse..hiyahh!!
Mind my mentalness for today's blog...
mwahahahaahahahahahaahha...someone hit me please...
I'm begging...i know what you all think of me after reading this blog..
yes, i know..no need to say..i admit it i'm siao!
DyingIsYourLatestFashion a.k.a mentalcraze

1 comment:

Pasira said...

hahahhaha...gila2 oh ko ni....sa rasa bgs ko pg ambil lesen kereta la....