Friday, January 9, 2009!!

Let's start a conversation with today's blog..
Yes, my life is the same...full of boredomness..
Another day..another me being an arsehole!!
So, shall we begin?? Oh, before that...
I met a friend today..seriously..not kidding..
She's my imaginary friend from...heaven!
I named her cuddie..!! Let's begin...

Me: Honey, honey, how he thrills me..ah hah..honey, honey..
Cuddie: Umm, what are you doing?
Me: Honey, honey nearly kills me..ah hah..honey..honey..
Cuddie: Ahem! Rude much! Imaginary friend here talking to you..
Me: Opps!! Me bad.. I didn't realize.. This song is so awesome..
Cuddie: That explains. What the blooppers are you singing?
Me: Well duh, don't you see what i'm watching now?
Cuddie: Umm..NO! What do you think I am? Human?
Me:'re so from heaven. Yeah, you used to be a human.
Cuddie: Used to! Like its been a while..duh!
Me: You're such a cutie.
Cuddie: *blushes* Awww..really? Am I?
Me: Duh...NO.. but you are.. haha
Cuddie: Oh c'mon. Stop your whining and tell what are u watching.
Me: I'm watching Mamma Mia. Happy?
Cuddie: Thank you for telling me.
Me: So, would you just bug off and let me watch this movie.
Cuddie: Hmph! Fine! *sniffs away*

Well that was awkward.. and annoying! That friend of mine really know how to annoy people. She might wants to annoy you. Ugh. So, last night I went to my cousin's house and borrowed her cd, Mamma Mia, and the movie was awesome!! You know what make it awesome?? Yes, the one and only MERYL STREEP..!! I WAS LIKE OMFG!! She was awesome! She can dance! She can jive! Her voice was amazingly awesome!! and WTH? She can crump really good!! Like, she's my favourite actress now..i looked up to her..*salutes*

I know Mamma Mia was last year but the movie makes you wanna to sing along. So, yeah..i like it.. so what?!



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