Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Why Are You Back?

Hey people!! This is my last post before new year...
I'm writing this blurg at 7.17 pm.. 5 hours to go!!
I'm not happy by the way..
coz..that person that I wish not to talk anymore..
came back!! Arghhhhhhhhhhh....

Damn! Why are you back?
I'm trying my best to make you fade away in my life..
Today, you came back and talk to me..
The word 'I LOVE YOU'..doesn't mean anything nemore..
Why are you doing this to me?? On New Year's Eve!
When I talked to you today,
My heart beats fast..
I guess that my feelings for you is still stronger..
But I want my feelings for you to fade away..
I've cried for you..I guess that my tears are wasted like shit!
You said you love me..but I won't love you back..
My shattered heart can't be mend that easily..
It will be forever broken into pieces..
Let my heart bleeds like the tears flowing down from my eyes..
Let me walk into the dark path alone..
You've teared my heart apart..
You've wrecked our friendship..
You've ruined my life..
I don't need you nemore...

The wordings above is not a poem..
Just expressing myself bout that oof...
Its better to write than cutting yourself right??
Sorry, i got issues..LOL..



1 comment:

Dangerously_Corrupted said...

Hey..i knw how you feel..when a person tear your heart a love her as much as you hate her.
Ive lost the person i loved before. but guess what? went through hell to stay with her and fight because i know she's worth it.
So, think it thoroughly before u let a person go. ive let her go and was depressed and dead inside for a long time. then it hits me, life is not worth living without her.
So now..we're stronger then ever.
And she's mine as i am hers =]

i dnt know whts my point here xp but i figured i should share something.