Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My New Year's Resolution

My New Year's Resolution...[M.N.Y.R]

Hmmm.. I've think bout it... Its stupid by the way...

I called it my Mental New Year's Resolution List..

  1. To lose weight before college!! [PRIORITY]
  2. To get my SPM result with FLYING COLOURS
  3. To FORGET what happen between me and Tori.
  4. To get a laptop before SPM result.
  5. To be loved by someone that I will be with forever
  6. To chat with Vanessa on MSN..[ugh, its been forever]
  7. To persuade my mum to install Wi-Fi in the house.
  8. To hope things get better with my family.
  9. To change my personality and my attitude.
  10. To be more MENTAL as I am now..

Like i said..its mental...





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