We celebrate christmas at my grandparents house..
well..we celebrate there every single year..
its good by the way..it will strenghten our relationship...
This year christmas are the most awesome and shocking for me!!
It's coz..on my granpa's side of the family..
I just found out the I have cousins from US and Australia....
I repeat... From US and AUSTRALIA!!
The dad is from Michigan and his kids live in Melbourne, Australia.
Hey..thats where Vanessa live..LOL..
Guess what? I think I'm going MENTAL this year christmas!!
I don't know..too much fun and new people..wakakaakakaaka...
Enough me chit-chattering...here's the pics... ^^
LOL..can't remember but me and my cousins called her..
Cutie!! coz she's so cute ^^
What is Dawn doing again?? Oh yeah...
She's having a headache..Chyeahh!! Like its real..
LOL..she's just setting up the SLR...
OMFG??!!! Model gone wrong!!!
wakakaka..[evil laugh]
She's having a headache..Chyeahh!! Like its real..
LOL..she's just setting up the SLR...
wakakaka..[evil laugh]
Just someone from somewhere and Rubyanne..
This is the end of my first blurg on first day of xmas!!
Duh, Random....Rawr!
Christmas Moment!!
Who Are we???
Chiara: Rawr! I'm Mean!!
This is the end of my first blurg on first day of xmas!!
More to come by the way...Just wait...
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