Saturday, January 23, 2010

so little time...

*sigh* okay, 3 weeks of college..coming to 4 weeks. OMG and the works are piling up. College life, I know. Somehow, I feel restless. Idk why. Me and Karissa stopped texting each other. Why? Coz her phone bill was..OMG! Feel sad tho but we talked on yrbook. Doesn't feel the same but at least we talked. She still made me happy. Hmm, okay this month is crucial coz i'm in need of cash!!! Arghhhh! Got a letter from my former college, asking me to pay back the Semester 1's allowance! I was like WHAT THE FUCK?! and the total amount is RM1250!! Where am gonna find that money????? My life just died current college's allowance hasn't come out yet..ughhhhhh!!!! *whining and cusssing* !@#@%&^(&(**@@%#!#!@*(&^)!!!

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